Things About An Angel And Gideon That Makes Me Smile
Welcome to any of my YouTube followers who come to check out my new Blog, and to any others who stop by. This is for any of us who sees something in a scripture verse that we think is cool, interesting, or that we have a question about. Let's enjoy spending a little time chatting with one another. But please, no disrespectful arguing or disrespectful conduct.
Good morning!!
I wanted to ask you to look at Judges 6 in which I find a character that is so sweet. I even feel like the angel who came and met with him thinks he's sweet! At any rate I smile every time I read these verses, because the angel is so cool!!
The first thing that starts me smiling is verse 11 where this angel that came to see Gideon, simply sat down under a tree near where he was working in a field, to chat! Can you imagine it?! I can't remember any other place in the Bible I read of an angel being this casual! Can you? Let me know if you have read of an angel being this casual in their approach to man.
The next thing that really kept me smiling was in verse 12. The angel spoke to Gideon in such a sweet sounding way, just sitting there with him..
"Thou mighty man of valor". This is to a little, young man working in a field!! .. I can just here his voice, so sweet and gentle. And I can hear and see Gideon's reaction... like.. "What!!? Me?!!" lol
He's just a young worker in a field!! Can you just imagine it?!!
Then, Gideon realizes this is an angel and asks him to wait there, sitting under the tree, until he returns.. and the angel agrees.. while Gideon goes off and cooks, etc.!! I was so impressed with this!!
Read verse 18. When Gideon comes back the angel is still sitting there, relaxed, waiting. I wonder if he was chewing on a stem of wheat or grass, like any of us would?! lol I couldn't keep from thinking that!! Wouldn't it be wonderful if an angel came and acted like that with any one of us!! LOL I'd be a happy-camper!!
You should read the whole chapter 6 of Judges, though, because it is all so good. Verses 36 through 40 is really good where Gideon tested God!! And God responded! Really cool!!
Hope you enjoyed and smiled with me!! :) Give me some comments or questions or thoughts.
I sure can't think of any other time an Angel did something like this. It did make me smile! This chapter was a nice read this morning. What version of the Bible do you use? Looking to buy a new one but don't know which version might be easier to understand.
ReplyDeleteLime, I have several different ones, that I can't recommend one as I wouldn't know what you like. But, if it is something to easily understand, get something besides the King James version.
DeleteHello Grandma! Very excited that you've started this new Christian blog. The whole story of Gideon is wonderful. You are right in thinking that the angel is uncharacteristically casual, I certainly can't think of another example though others might be able to! Usually they're actually quite scary, or at the very least intimidating lol! I haven't read my Bible in quite some time but I will go and read Judges chapter 6 again. Hope you have a wonderful day Grandma.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your comment, Oliver. We all do seem to get out of the habit of reading the Bible over time. Life consumes us, doesn't it? I've never found them scary, just 'serious', or compassionate. I think you will enjoy Judges 6. Let me know what you think! I'm interested in other peoples thoughts, rather then just mine. :)
DeleteI know I enjoyed this blog and I had my Bible open with you, Grandma.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you enjoyed it Rencie!! Always let us know in here if you ever have anything else to add or ask a question. :)
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThough I am not Christian, I have read and also have been re-reading the Bible. I see it, and all other ancient books of religion, as books of thoughts, wisdoms and treasures the humans of history have left for us. There were reasons ancient people's spent time and care preserving these works through the ages. The love and care that went into it- no printing presses, no computer, just transcribing and memorizing to ensure these could be passed to future generations. I think people who do not take the time to enjoy such treasures are really missing out. I read the whole of Judges 6. I think it so interesting how Gideon was low in confidence and that the Angel and the Lord both rose up to his tests and requests so he could be sure of their support and let go of his self-doubts.
ReplyDeleteYou don't know how much I appreciated your comment and what you had to say!!! So glad you read Judges 6, and I enjoy your thoughts about it. Hope I see you here again.
DeleteHey, Shirley! It's Phantom! I've been so utterly under water at the clinic, I haven't had time to watch your videos recently. But I got a notification about your most recent one and realized it's been FOREVER since I've spoken with you. I have to check out all your blogs, now. Some thoughts (this will be long so I don't expect you to read it all):
ReplyDeleteFirst, Judges is one of my favorite books of the Bible. Like ... top three probably. The story of Ehud is just so ... visceral! "...the fat closed over the hilt." Yeesh!
Second, there's all the fantastic hymns and things written by early Christians where they refer to the fleece as a kind of prophetic image of Mary. Just as the fleece was dewy when the ground was dry and later dry when the ground was dewy, so Mary was a Virgin even though she was Jesus' mother. This icon is a visual image of that comparison with Gideon and the fleece on the left and Mary pregnant with Jesus on the right (
Third, didn't Gideon's threshing floor become one of the "high places" that Josiah ended up having to destroy?
Fourth, probably a good thing that the angel wasn't one of the cherubim, seraphim or ophanim (those "wheel within a wheel" angels from Ezekiel). Not sure Gideon would have been as relaxed about that one. Have you ever read C.S. Lewis' "Space Trilogy," specifically "Perelandra"? There's this one great scene where one of the eldila (angels) are getting Ransom to help them "get dressed" (choose a form) for the Adam and Eve characters from Perelandra. They normally appear as just beams of light but they shift through all these different aspects, some super creepy, until they choose one that will be acceptable for them.
Finally, and most importantly for me, one of the things I love about Gideon's story is how it evidences "kenosis." That's the word the Greeks used to express what Jesus does the Philippians 2:5-11, that self-emptying weakness. It's like God takes Gideon through stages of making him and his army weak so that, when the eventual victory came, it was clear whose victory it was.
Phantom!!!! It's so good to hear from you after so long!! Of course it could be my fault because I'm never in Discord it seems!! Anyway, let me read what you have to say, and yes, I will read it all!!! ....................
DeleteFirst, do you use a King James Bible or similar? Because I don't know that you are referring to.... can you give me the scripture verse number?
Second, I remember the old hymns we use to sing in church but I don't remember anything that compared 'fleece' to 'Mary'. Can you give me something to look up for that?
Third, .. I don't know. I'll go read through Judges again and see. I'll get back to you.
Fourth, Agreed! That 'wheel within a wheel' was always weird to me! No, I'm sure Gideon wouldn't have! Maybe that is why the angel was so sweet and down-to-earth with him!
I have not read the 'Space Trilogy' by C. S. Lewis (I love his stuff though!) so I don't know what you are referring to, and I'll be sure to check that out!!!!
Enjoyed your final reference to Gideon in the Philippians.
The Ehud verse is Judges 3:22. Here it is in multiple translations:
DeleteWhen I say "old hymns" I mean OOOOOOLD! Like ... first 500 years of Christianity old, mostly written in Greek and Latin. For example, in the 4th century, Proclus of Constantinople called Mary, "...the most pure fleece with heavenly dew, from which the Shepherd clothed the sheep." I'm not sure if "sheep" means Christians or Jesus as the "Lamb of God."
I think the story about Josiah and Gideon's threshing floor is in 2 Chronicles ... maybe. Or 2 Kings? Or both?
I'd love to know what you think of the Space Trilogy. C.S. Lewis and JRR Tolkien were friends. Lewis challenged Tolkien to write a time travel story which, weirdly, became Lord of the Rings. Tolkien challenged Lewis to write a space travel story which became "Out of the Silent Planet," "Perelandra" and "That Hideous Strength." Shockingly good. Not Lord of the Rings good, but really amazing all the same.
Wow!!! I went to my Bible and found that about Ehud!!! I even have vs 21 and 22 underlined! That is gruesome!!! I'm now going to be reading, at least that chapter, before I go to bed tonight!! Do you mind if I make my next Blog about Ehud??
DeleteThanks for clarifying about the 'old hymns for me.. I've never seen those, only what we sing in church.
I will look up about the threshing floor and read it.
Hi Shirley! I would love nothing more than to have an Angel sit down next to me to have a long, long talk. I have a few things I would love to go over with the Powers that be.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the nice vision. An Angel leaning against a tree, chewing on that stem of grass. Beautiful! It will sit on my mind for a while. Not a bad thing to ponder.
By the way did you know that in order to reply to your post, I had to join Blogger and create a Blog? They give you no other options. This may cause people to not join in the conversation on here. I now have a Blog called, "The Forced Blogger".... I didn't want to miss being able to say hello and to share my thoughts and just maybe I will write there one day. Happy Sunday All!
I'll have to check out your blog, Ms. Loretta
DeleteHi Shirley! So cool to see this new blog. In a way, it comes at a good time for me. As I've mentioned, I've applied for bachelor studies in theology, starting this autumn (hopefully!). As a Christian, I've never really done much with my faith, but I felt a stirring to delve deeper now. To learn more about my own faith and my god, and how humans have related to this religion (and indeed alsoJudaism and Islam, since they are closely related). Wether this road will take me all the way to becoming a priest myself, or simply ends up giving me more understanding, it will be an interesting road to walk.
ReplyDeleteSorry about this long intro, but this had led me to start reading the books required for the first classes. And of course theology starts with Biblical studies. I've always only read the Bible a little here and a little there, but never really studied it. Now that I've started, your musings in this blog resonates for me! So I picked up my Bible and read the part in Judges that you refer to.
You know, it's funny. Many things in the Bible are written quite matter of factly, with few words before moving on to the next part. So a lot of nuances are lost (and even more so in translation, I imagine). The way you read this part gave it much more colour and emotion than how I initially read it. And yet nothing in your interpretation of it contradicts, it just fleshes out the text. I really, really like that. I am so very inexperienced reading the Bible with a mind to interpret, so this was enlightening to me! People have always been people, also the ones who lived in the time of the old testament. It is good, I think, to bear that in mind when reading these texts. Also that mild humour - the angel waiting patiently while Gideon went cooking lol. I imagine there's a lot of warmth in the Bible that doesn't come across due to the way it is written. Thank you for showing me such a good way to read it! I hope that when my studies advance, we can have some good interactions about texts like these!
Another thing to note is that I read the Bible in Norwegian. So there are clear differences in the translations which affect the shade of the text. Like here, in your English version, it says "Thou mighty man of valor". I admit I prefer this to our Norwegian translation, which would be more like "you bold warrior". Much less oomphy lol. :)
Oh Jema, I'm so glad that you told me about the road you have entered into!! I will keep you in my prayers, concerning your spiritual life especially!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you've started reading more than bits and pieces. I am so happy with what you said about my reading of this part about the angel and Gideon. Every time I read through and study the Bible.. which has certainly been more than once! I continually know and notice and learn more than the previous time. I find that so, especially with Revelation. I've studied through that book so many times and have been finding that each time it is more understandable.. Maybe that is why Jesus told us to do that very thing!!
I agree with you, about certain aspects not truly coming across because of the way it is written. We just have to remember how far back it was written and what the people were like then.. and read it with 'fresh' eyes that we have now.
I'm looking forward to when your studies starts and our having more talks!!!
Oh gosh, I agree with about the difference in the language. In the English I can just see the angel smiling at young Gideon and saying that to him in a sweet way!
Jema, thank you so much for such a wonderful comment! I'm so going to enjoy talking with you as you start reading the Bible and advance in your studies!
Thank you! :)
DeleteI look forward to your further posts in this blog! And if you ever wish to dive deeper into conversations, feel free to email me.
Thank you so much Jema!!!
DeleteYou made it!! Hi Rocky! Great!! Leave me any comment about what I posted and let me also know what you have that you'd like for me and maybe others to comment on!! Thanks!
Well, Rocky I have the New King James Version, and the Amplified Bible, and my favorite is the Charles Stanley Life Principles Bible... it has so many different kinds of Helps, every page.. either during your reading or other Scripture references at the bottom, or a whole page of study etc. I love it! But you should look at each one. You might like something else better.
ReplyDeleteI like to have different versions available because certain things are more easily read in one or the other.
ReplyDeleteI finally took a few minutes to listen to your vlog where you mention about this blog. I am so glad I did!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading your thoughts on Gideon (and rereading Judges 6). It made the story feel so alive. I keep realizing I now much I don't slow down when reading the Bible and this makes it so I miss so much. So lately I have been reading in smaller doses to do my best to take what I read in more. Just two verses can be jam packed with so much!
I also find God's timing interesting with you writing about Gideon. Two videos I watched recently have mentioned him. And I just watched a video about angels earlier today and given my experiences with them it was helpful. And here you're also talking about the angel that visited Gideon! Gideon was hiding from the Midianites and the angel calls him a mighty man of valor! Talk about a confidence boosting prophecy.
I think God definitely knows which kind of angel we will respond best to since He knows us better than we know ourselves. Him knowing so much about me used to scare me but now I find great comfort in it!
I am so thrilled with your comment! I so enjoyed all the things you said. I'm glad you came here and left such a great discussion. I agree with the things you've said. I have read through the Bible twice and also study various Books by themselves. But now I have been slowing down with it, and also with the previous readings, there's so much more understanding now. I hope all that makes sense!! lol I really found that interesting in your chapter about .. God's timing.. very interesting!!! Thank you!!!
DeleteYeah Rocky that version is hard to read. It was compiled by the direction of a King in England which is why it is full of thees and thous. That's not how it was originally written. Then way later scholars made the New King James, which is the one I have, taking out that 'old England' language and put it into more modern English. Much easier to read.
ReplyDeleteHello grandma i came from your youtube I read your blog and loved it. I liked that the angel was very humble and it was good. I have an advice for you. You can read the Holy Quran, the book of Muslims. If you want to read more about angels, everything has been written there in detail about some angels like Gabriel and Israel Israfil. They are very good and kind angels. And there are more and more.
ReplyDeleteAnyway I liked this blog very much and I hope you continue writing because I would love to know about other religions and thank you I love you
Thank you so much Sunshine for coming and reading and commenting. I appreciate that!
DeleteHello Grandma it's D! For some reason it won't let me add my name. Anyway, I always wondered what angels actually look like.. They have some seriously creepy descriptions in the bible! Like 6 winged and many eyed π€ I remember in my high school religion class we had so many questions about angels and my teacher was getting annoyed because he had the syllabus all organized for the year and couldn't keep getting sidetracked about angels! But he actually went in and made room for a whole week on angels just for us! But then when that week came..we couldn't think of the questions we wanted to ask LOL. He was a good teacher π very smart, I think he might have a partial photographic memory. He's the dean at a school in Georgia now ☺️
ReplyDeleteI figured out how to edit my name haha π
DeleteHi D!! Those particular angels that you described, I think, just stay in the heavenly realm.. I don't think I've read where they came down and appeared to anyone on earth.
Delete(Thank goodness! lol) It would scare me!!! That is so funny that when your teacher gave you all a chance and set aside a whole week for you all... you couldn't remember any questions!!! LOL Was he ticked off??!
Cool!!!! I'm glad!! :)
DeleteHaha he was like come on guys, I did this for you!! But angels are super interesting. They can travel at the speed of thought!! And we each have a guardian angel ☺️ I have a very vague memory of getting saved by mine. I was so little, it was before I even started kindergarten. But yea I've seen some funny memes of drawings of what those angels might look like, saying "be not afraid" and the guy is like.. I've never been more afraid in my life πππ
DeleteHi Shirley, I made this blog just to respond to you. You've inspired me to make my own content and on one of my YouTube channel's ive started a daily bible reading (editing the first video now) for those who have been hurt by religious trauma and those who don't yet believe, that they can know that despite what those that hurt them told them, that God loves them unconditionally and with his love, will wipe every tear from their eyes. I just found God only two years ago, and haven't read this book in the bible yet :( but I think it would be amazing to have an angel come visit me and stay for dinner :). I can't wait for the day when I can be with the Lord forever!
ReplyDeleteGod bless you! Hope you do well with your new channel!! Also, have a great life. I also have that feeling of "I can't wait!! "
DeleteHi Shirley! Feels slightly weird commenting on a Biblical blog with this particular gaming name, but we'll roll with it.
ReplyDeleteFor an example of somewhat casual angel interactions, how about Genesis 18 when the three visitors approached Abraham and dined with him before the two angels went on to Sodom and the Lord stayed with Abraham to talk some more.
This also includes the passage where Abraham asks God if He will spare the city of Sodom if he finds at least 50 righteous men in the city, then keeps revising the number down until he gets to only 10 righteous men in the city. It's both comical watching him keep apologizing and lowering the number, and also frighteningly sad to consider that not even 10 men in the entire city were righteous, such that God only saved Lot and his daughters. And it seems likely that God saved Lot more for Abraham's sake than Lot's own righteousness, as Lot didn't show that many good choices along the way.
I am late getting back to this. Thank you so much for your comment on here!!! I love reading other peoples 'take' on things! This is why I started this Blog, it's like we have conversations together and I like that. I found your remarks interesting and caused me to go look up some things. Thank you! :)